Talk Ten Tuesdays

Exclusive Series: In Search of Solutions to COVID-19 False Positives

John Foggle, MD | Laurie M. Johnson | Shannon DeConda | H. Steven Moffic, MD | Erica Remer, MD | Andrew Cohen, PhD Episode 441

Thanksgiving, the flu season, and a dramatic surge of the COVID-19 pandemic are converging at a time when the nation’s coronavirus death toll has reportedly exceeded 250,000, with more than 11 million confirmed cases.

With soaring infection rates come more testing, as well as more hospitalizations and deaths.

A focus on COVID-19 testing will come into sharp relief as Talk Ten Tuesdays concludes its exclusive three-part series on false-positive tests. During this episode, co-host Erica Remer, MD will reintroduce Andrew Cohen, PhD, who has been doing groundbreaking work on COVID-19 false positives.

Dr. Cohen will explore possible solutions to this daunting challenge.  

Also on tap for the broadcast: 

  • News Desk: Timothy Powell, compliance expert and ICD10monitor national correspondent, will anchor the Talk Ten Tuesdays News Desk.

  • Tuesday Focus: Shannon DeConda, founder of the National Alliance of Medical Auditing Specialists (NAMAS), will return to the broadcast with recommendations necessary to implement the new changes that become effective Jan. 1, 2021.

  • The Coding Report: Laurie Johnson, senior healthcare consultant for Revenue Cycle Solutions, LLC, will report on ICD-10 coding relative to mental health issues and their physical manifestations.

  • Mental Health Report: H. Steven Moffic, MD, internationally renowned psychiatrist and Talk Ten Tuesdays resident psychiatrist, will offer tips to avoid tripping on political landmines during Thanksgiving dinner.

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