Talk Ten Tuesdays

Where in the World is ICD-11?

October 27, 2020 Timothy Powell, CPA | Laurie M. Johnson | Terry Fletcher | Shannon DeConda | Margaret Skurka | Erica Remer, MD Episode 437
Talk Ten Tuesdays
Where in the World is ICD-11?
Show Notes

Amid the global COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 presidential campaign, coding updates, and a tangle of regulatory waivers, it’s important to not to lose sight of the fact that ICD-11 for the United States is on the horizon.

That’s why we asked Margaret Skurka, a voting member of the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (NCVHS) in Washington, D.C., who also sits at the table of the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) Education and Implementation Committee, to report on the latest ICD-11 developments in the U.S. – and also to provide a global perspective on what other countries are doing, and where they are in the implementation process.

The podcast also features these other segments:

  • Tuesday Focus: 2021 E&M Guideline Changes: Shannon DeConda, founder of the National Alliance of Medical Auditing Specialists (NAMAS), will provide an update on the significant changes in the 2021 evaluation and management (E&M) guidelines.

  • Special Report: Telehealth: Nationally recognized professional coder and auditor Terry Fletcher will have an update on telehealth.

  • News Desk: Timothy Powell, compliance expert and ICD10monitor national correspondent, will anchor the Talk Ten Tuesdays News Desk.

  • The Coding Report: Laurie Johnson, senior healthcare consultant for Revenue Cycle Solutions, LLC, will report on the latest coding news.

  • TalkBack: Erica Remer, MD, founder and president of Erica Remer, MD, Inc. and Talk Ten Tuesdays co-host, will report on another thought-provoking topic that has captured her attention.