Talk Ten Tuesdays

Shared/Split Billing: New Rule Confounding, Confusing, Controversial

February 15, 2022 Timothy Powell, CPA | Laurie M. Johnson, MS, RHIA | Terry A. Fletcher, BS, CPC | Shannon DeConda, CPC | Erica Remer, MD Season 12 Episode 495
Talk Ten Tuesdays
Shared/Split Billing: New Rule Confounding, Confusing, Controversial
Show Notes

The billing rules for shared/split evaluation and management (E&M) visits are changing, as they will again in 2023. But although the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) considers 2022 a transition year, controversy surrounding the 2022 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) is creating contagious confusion. 

If you and your team are suffering from such chronic consternation, relief will be within reach when you log on next Tuesday for another live edition of the Talk Ten Tuesdays Internet broadcast. Because that’s when National Alliance of Medical Auditing Specialists (NAMA) Founder Shannon DeConda will report on how best to implement the new rule.

The live broadcast will also feature these other segments:

  • Coding Report: Laurie Johnson, senior healthcare consultant with Revenue Cycle Solutions, LLC, will report on the latest coding news.

  • Tuesday Focus: What Was Medicare Thinking? Nationally recognized professional coder and auditor Terry Fletcher will join the broadcast to report how best to implement CMS rules when dealing with patients, noting that in 2022, there are some new rules to the Medicare Manual that make little sense to the healthcare professional trying to adhere to best practices when applying the rules.

  • News Desk: Timothy Powell, compliance expert and ICD10monitor national correspondent, will anchor the Talk-Ten-Tuesdays News Desk.

  • TalkBack: Erica Remer, MD, founder and president of Erica Remer, MD, Inc. and Talk Ten Tuesdays co-host, will report on a subject that has caught her attention during her popular segment.